Recurring Conversations: A Key to Your Success
Everything you hope to accomplish… begins with a conversation. Because what we do as an industry is so complex and abstruse, what we say and
Consulting Clients
Crossroads Professional Consulting specializes in the financial services industry. With over 40 years of experience as a financial advisor, complex manager and senior executive with major firms, Paul Blease founded Crossroads Professional Consulting to guide multimillion-dollar financial advisory teams navigate pivotal moments in their journey. The name and image, “Crossroads”, not only signifies these critical inflection points but also acts as a visual and metaphorical symbol of our professional ethos and deeply held personal beliefs.
At Crossroads Professional Consulting we offer three core services: elite consultancy for top tier financial advisory and branch management teams, Immersive, highly interactive, and customized workshops, as well as compelling keynote presentations on a wide range of subjects critical to the long-term success of our most sophisticated practitioners. Drawing from our 40 years of experience, we ensure that each engagement is impactful and transformative.
Our founder, Paul Blease has been training, developing, and consulting with multimillion dollar financial advisory teams for well over 30 years. The vast majority of both his personal and professional consulting engagements came when people and/or enterprises were at a critical inflection point… at a Crossroads. Reaching those crossroads are often the catalyst for seeking outside insight and counsel. As a result, Paul Blease chose to call the firm, “Crossroads Professional Consulting”. As many of you know, having worked with Paul over the past 40 years, he is a Christian, and so both the visual imagery and profound meaning of Christ’s road to the cross resonates with him.
There are four major crossroads where, as Paul likes to say, “what got you here won’t get you there”.
Just like a high-rise building can't outgrow the depth and breadth of its foundation, your practice can't outgrow the depth and breadth of its foundation. The larger your enterprise becomes the more critical your systems, processes, and technologies become to your ability to sustain growth, leverage the talents of your team members, and serve the needs of your HNW clientele.
Every business, regardless of the industry, is composed of structure and people. If the business lacks a coherent structure, elegant systems, and/or doesn’t effectively leverage technology, the productivity of even the most talented team of professionals will be compromised. Therefore, this is the best starting place for any practitioner, build a sound practice and then move to integrate a sophisticated team into that practice.
As wealthy clients’ financial needs grew more complex, advisory practices became more multidimensional, and the need for a sophisticated and diverse team of financial professionals arose. The good news is that these teams allowed people to specialize in areas they played to their strengths and in many cases truly enjoyed, the bad news is that these large teams create their own levels of complexity and challenge if not designed properly and led well.
Because our industry has become both complex and increasingly commoditized, what we say and how well we say it Is often what differentiates us and our practices from the competition. How well we frame our business model, express the value of our team and articulate our thoughts and insights have become progressively more important over the last decade. If we all sound the same, our clients and prospects will assume that we are the same. This course covers many of the critical “recurring conversations” we have with both clients and prospects. It will help you leverage the power of story, analogy, metaphor, and juxtaposition to create not just clarity, but insight that fosters action.
Leadership is all about movement: taking an individual, team, organization, even your family, on a journey from where they are, to where they must go-from who they are to who they must become. The transformational leader’s commitment to the journey and their people is captured in the subtitle, “I care too much to leave you as you are”.
Our industry often sends a subtle and insidious message that there is a binary choice in life: create a high-performance career or craft a meaningful life… pick one. I believe that sacrificing your family, your health and/or your spiritual and emotional equilibrium on the altar of your practice Is not only tragic, but completely unnecessary. This course will help you bring your personal and professional journeys together for greater performance and impact in both arenas.
Succession planning is much more than turning over the keys as you walk out the door. There are many critical variables you must put in place much earlier in the process than you might anticipate. This course gives you a comprehensive road map to ensure you optimize your ROA/ROI, provide continuity for your team members, and ensure your clients fully understand and buy into the transition.
Everything you hope to achieve both personally and professionally, assumes you have the energy to accomplish it. Our obsession with time management often overlooks and runs contrary to energy management. We regularly create a daily schedule that leaves no room to breathe (prepare, reflect, and decompress), which means that each subsequent meeting gets less and less of our best performance.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
With over 40 years of experience in the financial services industry Paul built his own successful advisory practice, transitioned to branch and complex management, before becoming a senior executive.
Over 25 years as a senior executive working exclusively with Multimillion dollar practitioners to help them build sustainable, high performance and synergistic advisory teams.
As someone who twice created a coaching and consulting department from scratch, with two major financial institutions, Paul both has and understands the entrepreneurial mindset of taking calculated risks and constant initiative to achieve extraordinary success.
Once you have experienced great success, the next journey is one from success to significance. While this journey never ends, it brings together the temporal with the eternal and infuses life with great purpose.
Paul has done an extraordinary job with creating the team training program. In the almost 20 years with the firm and attending countless meetings......that Chicago meeting was far and away the best. There was no fluff .....plenty of solid ideas, actionable concepts and a "how to" approach in getting started. I hope the plan is for more, continued team training. Paul Blease has hit an out of the ballpark home run.
Absolutely best meeting i have attended in 10 yrs at this firm. I would even say life changing. I guess it's a case on "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear", -- so many of the things I do, used to do or would like to do were affirmed. this is as focused as I've been in 10 years. I've revised my 5 yr plan to a goal of at least tripling my business by yr end 2008. Stay tuned.
Paul realizes that being successful is not one dimensional. You must live a balanced life. He is a great speaker, makes it interesting, and I can tell he really cares about us. I really enjoyed this conference and look forward to being invited to future team training meetings.
Paul, I am not sure how to say this, but I wanted you to know how much I receive from our relationship…I only hope that I can in some way provide support for you in return. Specifically I appreciate your ability to see the larger picture, the essence of the issue and the trueness of your vision or how you are so strong and consistent in your principles. See what 8 hours on a plane can do to ya! Seriously, I appreciate the time I spend with you.
Specifically, I want to mention Paul Blease and his approach and philosophies to this business. He is a great addition to our firm and my life. His holistic approach to how we run and manage our lives is helping not only my business, but me as an individual (and my family). The principles and idea’s that he presents are the most valuable I’ve heard in 18 years of my career. It is very refreshing and quite different from many other firms in our industry I am sure. I can only hope that the masses in the firm get the benefit of hearing from Paul.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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It's not just temporal success but transcendent impact and purpose that makes life worth living.
Everything you hope to accomplish… begins with a conversation. Because what we do as an industry is so complex and abstruse, what we say and
Our industry’s focus on the strategic and tactical (the “what” and the “how”) works very well during the first and second phases of a career
Reach out directly via email or text.